Like whispers in your ear, these short tales briefly transport you to extraordinary realms outside your daily life. They open portals into realms of urban fantasy, sci-fi, and psychological drama.
Within 'Ghosts of Possibility' lurk deleted scenes, abandoned fragments, and works-in-progress that serve as spectral glimpses into my creative mind and the many narrative paths a story can take before becoming fully realized.
near-future sci-fi
Twisted Therapy (full-cast audio | 1 hour)
Julie K. Cohen
Laura Akers
Collings MacCrae
urban fantasy
Jolt Fiction
Is your psyche stuck in a rut? Jolt Fiction is your literary Rorschach test – each story an inkblot of genre-bending madness. Subscribe now and let's see what your interpretation says about you. (No, it's not always about your mother.)